Rabu, 21 September 2011

The process of the production of delicious cheese

=> english version

• The first process of fresh cattle milk was taken from livestock breeding was brought to the

• Afterwards fresh milk was heated then was cooled down to stop the growth of the bacteria and
available germs in milk.

• Thirdly, milk was given the additive that helped the process of fermentation, where milk has
been kept still for some time so as to become thick and solid that was mentioned with raw

• Further that is raw cheese was processed further to get the taste and the specific texture.
in this process, raw cheese was cooked again with the increase in water, salt, and several
minerals and vitamins, like calcium and vitamin D. this whim cheese had the stabler quality,
so as to be able to remain older.

• To satisfy the requirement for the consumer, then whim cheese that still in the hot and liquid
condition then was filled up in various forms and the measurement of the edition.

• The last, delicious and nutritious cheese was ready to be enjoyed :D

=> Versi indonesia

1. Proses pertama susu sapi segar diambil dari peternakan dan dibawa ke pabrik.

2. Setelah itu semua susu segar dipanaskan lalu didinginkan untuk menghentikan pertumbuhan
bakteri dan kuman yang ada di dalam susu.

3. ketiga, susu diberikan bahan tambahan yang membantu proses fermentasi, dimana susu didiamkan
selama bebrapa waktu sehingga menjadi kental dan padat yang disebut dengan keju mentah.

4. Selanjutnya keju mentah diolah lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan cita rasa dan tekstur tertentu.
Dalam proses ini, keju mentah dimasak kembali dengan penambahan air, garam dan beberapa
mineral dan vitamin, seperti kalsium dan vitamin D .

5. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, maka keju olahan yang masih dalam kondisi panas dan cair
lalu diisi ke dalam berbagai bentuk ukuran cetakan.

6. Terakhir, keju lezat dan bergizi telah siap dinikmati :D

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